
more watercolors and paper people.

been a busy couple of weeks....
this is what we have finished so far.

i decided to raise the prices a bit on my sihouettes.
they have become quite popular...i love making them!


Anonymous said...

I apologize for posting here, but I can't seem to send a message on etsy.

I have some questions about this item. Would you have suggestions for colors other than blue and green (I'd be matting it in dark red and light yellow)? Also, I'd like one for each of my 2 children. One photo has a very dark background, one very light. Does that present a problem?


loriotndorr::sloriot said...

hi! sorry about the esty can email and we can correspond that way :)


Terri Edwards said...

I just wanted to pop in and say THANK YOU SO MUCH for the silhouette you made of my daughter. I just received it in the mail and it brought tears to my eyes.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know that I e-mailed you from paephipps at aol dot com. Please let me know if you didn't get it! Thanks!